
Around Madrid

Project and construction execution to reinvent the concept of private club.

  • Client Aránzazu Hoteles
  • Service Contract
  • Date 2019
  • Location Madrid
  • Typology Urban
  • Space 550m2

02about the project

Reinventing the private club concept

In Around Madrid Private Club we carried out the project and the execution of the works of the establishment, giving rise to a low cost private club aimed at the new generations and inspired by the traditional English clubs.

In this project the important thing was to adapt its 550 m2 to turn them into the second home of the members, creating different multifunctional and versatile spaces with a warm, elegant and modern design. All the rooms are designed to be cozy and a combination of materials such as wood, leather and velvet can be appreciated, bringing authenticity to every corner of the space.




The spaces are designed for members’ self-service without losing the homey and relaxed touch.

The club is divided into two floors with a mix of colonial, tropical and even a British tea room look, the second floor is distributed with a bar, a chill space and a kitchen while the second floor is composed of several work rooms, showers, nap rooms and tailor-made tailor’s corner.


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